Thursday, October 25, 2012

Analysis of "Non-Games" & Games that are "Non-Games" into a "Game"

Hello everyone today I would like to analyse a popular game that most of us would know it as Digivice (the PDA shaped one) however first I would want analyse the game in depth mainly the Objectives of the game, Boundaries, Resources and Outcomes.

The objectives of the Digivice is not really clear as the game is a simple feeding game that works similar to the very first pet keeping game, Tamagotchi .
The Boundaries of the digivice, you can farm food for your digimon by simply feeding food such as oranges, sushi and rice balls in a UFO catcher like game and the digivice does not allow battles in the machine but only allow battles that are only workable via linking 2 digivice to each other by the connectors at the top of the digivice.

The digivice sadly does not have much of a resource aside from food and there are no forms of life counter in the game as even if you lose to a battle against your friend in the game, your digimon will just show a sad expression when you lose hence the only possible resource that I can say that is available in the game is the food you farm via the UFO catcher mini game.

The outcomes of the game are pretty bad to be frankly honest when it comes to connection battle with your friends if they use the swipe card model digivice (some may call it the Digimon season’s 3 digivice whereas this model can be counted as a 3.5), it is a one sided battle and the outcomes are that most of the time the digivice with the swipe card ability will win half the time due to the ability to amplify or intercept an attack to empower the energy shots hence the battle is one sided.

This Non game device can be made into the game into a “game “in my opinon in 3 ways.

Firstly the Objectives should have been like the game in the other digivices to defeat the evil digimon like its always been and as a kid most of us would look up to roleplaying it hence when we complete the game we get to brag it to our friends however as the PDA digivice does not support the movement feature maybe a simple battle marathons till the end to a first boss and a training mode would work so they can prepare their way to beating the game.

Secondly, the resources of the digivice should include Life points and power ups such as probably some DNA data to make your digimon digivolve to stronger type digimons so that you can beat the game easier.

Lastly, the outcomes to the game itself is more or less none as there is no proper outcome in it aside from feeding and perhaps playing the UFO food catching game nut in a Versus battle , to battle against swipe card should be balanced whereby the attacks your digimon uses should be at least on par to those on the swipe card digivice and perhaps give an option to use item to give your digimon an edge to it hence making it a fairer game so that both parties would benefit.

In conclusion by giving the game a more solid objective, giving more resources to the player to manage and also balancing the outcomes in a versus battle to make the digivice to a “game”.

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