Thursday, January 31, 2013

Character Customization and Reasons why players customized it that way

Hello everybody,time passes so fast that its already the last day of January 2013 already!! Anyway this week I will be talking about Character customization in games and reasons why players customized it that way. The game with customization ability I would like to talk about today would be Tera Online, a MMORPG that recently announced that it will be going to be Free 2 Play in February.
Tera gives a rather wide variety of customization ability to begin with such as races from humans to the lovable race, Elins. Although the drawback is that you are unable fully customize in the way you want it to such as height. The game offers a rather complete set of customization for its time.
In Online role playing games I often pick the female gender and a race that looks decent while ignoring what the race have to offer which could help in my game play as I am the type of player that wants to fully customize the character and enjoy looking at he or she as I will be looking at him or her throughout the duration of my game play hence I choose the opposite gender which is the Female gender. Now most people I know or most people 's common misunderstanding of a guy playing as a girl would be "ahh you must be a pervert, looking at your avatar with such lewd eyes" or "you trying to trick a guy or something in game ?? you sly guy", but for my opinion, as a guy staring at another guy's back view as MMORPGs these days are often in the third person view and normally the camera is showing the character's back. I think its rather disturbing to look at another guy that perhaps look very much better fighting and being cool and heroic and all that but after sometime it does not give the mental motivational feel as your firstly Guy avatars i find in game are rather limited and restricted as well in a medieval MMO setting you don't not see the guy revealing more skin definitely but they will just wear the same armor with extra spikes or details per higher level whereas the female avatar is normally given more revealing or nicer looking armor which shows their figure and all that which I guess its very appealing for the eyes in my opinion.
Now here are reasons why I chose the Elin class and why I chose such hair styles, colors and etc.
- I find the Elin race a rather cute race and after comparing with the other races I believe they look the best as they do seem to bring light to what seems a rather dark game setting in TERA
- The hair I chose for my character is those of long hair but as you can see in the image above the hair is tied up as simply I think that firstly Elin are a female only race and I believe that
having long hair is what I call a treasure for girls only hence the hair used
- The color of eyes cannot be changed unfortunately as there are limited presets to choose under adornments hence I chose the purplish eyes to give a vibrant look to my character to make her look
cheerful looking and full of energy
- The hair color i chose is a dark blue in a greenish tone as first I have 3 other characters that the hair color used are Dark blue, Silverish white and black as I do not really like to use repeated
pattern characters I chose that color
- I did not change any of the preset attributes of the character such as eyes positioning mouth and all those as well I do not want to make my character look like an alien =/
Last before least, why did I chose to present my character this way. I chose the characters presented this way as first, this is a fantasy game and I can do as I please in the game dress them up how i like to and the way I like it without restriction as long it is within the game boundaries but I would like to point out that most of the time my characters are modeled after specific anime characters and sometimes I just want them to look this way so why would I choose the smallest and youngest looking female race is because I like the way they are made and look in the game hence I made them and present this way. The objective of an MMO is for players to gather and although there is no real way to make your character to look a special looking individual unless you have some ultra rare equipment or something I believe it is hard to bring out the individual feel in the game and of course I don't really want to stand out but I would feel much comfortable playing a game with the character that I took my time customizing so that I can present it to the players that I encounter in the game while I aim to reach the highest possible point within my control.
With this I will stop for here today and hope to see you guys another time and thank you for taking your time to read this! ^_^
ps: I wished I could talk more using Phantasy Star Online 2 's character customization but without the game that I uninstalled close to half a year ago downloading it will take ages too >_>

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